Monday, April 18, 2011

a lesson in flexibililty

If there is anything that living in Haiti has taught me and helped me practice, it is flexibility. it is something we tell people when they come: 'please, be ready to be flexible, because plans change....' and it's something i have to remind myself to be as well, from time to time. particularly if i get uptight about changes.

i have learned that icannot set my heart on something happening in the exact way i thought it would, because quite often things change at some point or another! my latest lesson in flexibility is the opportunity i have to escort baby Sonia to Florida for surgery. I'm very excited and honoured to be entrusted with her care! basically i will be flying out with her, staying with her up untill and though her surgery, and once she is ready to be released from the hospital, she will be given into the care of her host family; Sonia and i will be getting to know them over the time that i'm there. After that, i will return to Haiti, and she will stay in Florida through the remainder of her recovery. She's a sweet, darling little girl, and i'm already a little in love! :-)

on thursday we received word that the hospital was ready for us, so my ticket was booked for the following monday (today). plans were being put into action. Then on Friday afternoon Dixie received an email requesting that sonia appear at a fundraiser on the 28th of April, so we are now planning to leave in a week. who knows, though; things can change a lot over the course of a few hours, so untill we're actually at the aiport and sitting on the plane waiting for takoff, i'll be prepared for something to change! :-)

this new development actually works out in our favour, as we are short a person in the office, and if i would have left today, both of  us would have been gone for the same two weeks! God knows what He's doing :-)

Please pray that both Sonia and I will remain healthy, rested and strong so that we are ready for travel and the journy that this sweet baby girl will be taking. I know God's got great plans for her life, and it's such a blessing to be a small part of it!

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