Saturday, July 23, 2011

Sonia's Back!

 Matthew 25: 45, “Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these, you did it unto Me.”

on thursday the Gemmen's brought Sonia back to Haiti! i, along with everyone else here, was so excited to see her again! i could not believe how much she'd grown in the last three months. she's so beautiful and strong and big now! and that smile...... ;-) i'm very thankful that i took her to Florida three months ago and not now, because i don't know how i'd have managed carrying such a solid baby around. i don't know for sure if she remembers me or not; now that she's warmed up a little, she seems happy to see me, for which i'm glad.

there's a verse in the Bible that says 'Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have entertained angels without knowing it.' Hebrews 13:2
so many people have been so instrumental in loving and caring for this little girl. The Gemmen's who were with her through it all, the surgeons, doctors, nurses, social workers, and all the other hospital personnel who made Sonia's care possible; people from various churches that i know were so helpful to Al and Lisa, and possibly some other people whose impact we may never known. :-)  each of these people allowed themselves to be vessels of God's love and healing touch to Sonia, and in doing so, they 'entertained' one of our angels.
now that Sonia is back at GLA, we will work together to do our utmost to provide, love, and care for our little Haitian princess. there is no lack of people willing to shower love and affection on her! please pray along with us that Sonia would remain strong and healthy for the duration of her stay at God's Littlest Angels, however long that may be.

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