Tuesday, June 7, 2011

a heart with two homes

i cannot say how many times in the past three and a half years i have said something along the lines of 'haiti is where my heart is' (or something cheesy like that. lol. what can i say? i like cheese). i think it's safe to say that those words have exited my mouth quite frequently. that certainly hasn't changed. yes, there are days that are hard, times when i get really frustrated, moments i feel discouraged. but according to several very wise people who have spoken at church, challenges are signs that you are doing something for God. it's when one is feeling comfortable and like things are easy that there may be reason for concern. 
anyway, that's not what this is about. 
in less than a week, i will be home in Ontario visiting my family and friends for a couple of weeks. the closer it comes, the more excited i get. i think of all the things i'm going to do, the people i'm going to see and hang out with, and just being back in the home where i spent the majority of my life. recently i looked at pictures i have of our property, and i thought to myself, 'i have a beautiful place to call home!' it's a place that holds so many memories and stories and, best of all, some of the most important people in my life. the people who have helped to shape me into the person i am today. people that i am proud to call dad, mom, brothers, and sisters. sometimes i take for granted the fact that my family is so supportive and encouraging of me being here, but it's an incredible privilege to have that - not everyone does. 
so, as the day of departure approaches, i look forward to being reunited with my family, and i look forward to hanging out with my friends from home. 
My wonderful family :-)

i have discovered that i easily call ontario and haiti both 'home'; apparently, i have two :-) what a huge blessing. i thank God for both of them!

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