On sunday, mother's day, (i'd just like to say that i am so thankful for my mom!) i hung out with Sonia for a few hours in the afternoon. Finally it was time for me to say goodbye and head home with the Gemmens', as my flight left the next day. One last time (for now) i held Sonia in my arms and prayed for her. I prayed that God would give her strength for everything she has yet to face; i prayed for the doctors and nurses and everyone involved in her care, that God would give them wisdom and guide their hands; and i thanked God for the wonderful family who is caring for her until she can return to Haiti. And i cried a little. i have learned to love this little girl so much!
finally, i laid her in her bed and covered her with her yellow crocheted blanket which has been with her from the start (and which, by the way, was almost as good at settling her as i was! lol.). i bent over her and gave her kisses, and then just looked at her beautiful little face. She looked back at me. then she reached up with her little hand, fingers poking through her blanket, and touched my face. Then i gave her one last kiss, said goodbye, and walked down the hall with the Gemmens'.
i was amazed at the support and interest people had in sonia's case. especially the way the hospital just got on board and did what needed to be done to get Sonia well enough for surgery! None of us were expecting all of this, but it has been awesome to see their willingness to help a little girl from a little country just a couple hours south of Florida!
I'm so thankful for the Gemmens' who have so willingly opened their home to Sonia, and who have been so influential in making this possible; for the churches who have been involved in so many ways; for the many women who have been willing to step in and help lighten the load by sleeping with Sonia at night or being there during the day if needed. every person has been so influential and helpful!
please continue to keep Sonia and her caregivers in your prayers. the journey is not over for them, and they will need grace and strength for all that still lies ahead! also, pray for complete body health for Sonia! she needs to be very healthy for them to do heart surgery!
i loved having the opportunity that i did in caring for Sonia and meeting all the wonderful people involved in so many ways! and i didn't mind at all when hospital personnel came in and called me 'mommy' ;-) it was fun to be sonia's surrogate mommy for a while! i wouldn't trade those two weeks for anything. i learned a lot about flexibility, faith, love, and trust over the two weeks that i spent with Sonia in the hospital (and FYI, i wasn't just at the hospital; i got to experience some of miami and the beach, too! :-p).
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