yesterday i had to do something that is near the top of my list of difficult things to do. i had to say goodbye to one of my special kids. he was here for assistance, and since i first met him in september when he was one of my assigned kids, i was wrapped around his little finger. his personality was huge, his smile incredible, and his little voice was enough to melt my heart - especially when he looked at me with sparkling brown eyes and repeated 'ah lah loo' (i love you). or when he would call to me from the nursery balcony as i walked by: 'lalalene!' yes, i was fairly deeply in love. i knew all along that at some point he would need to leave and return to his family, but to actually say goodbye? that was hard! i honestly didn't think that i could do it. i knew for sure that i didn't WANT to! but by the grace of God and the support of great friends, i did get through it.
when i saw him with his nanny at the top of the stairs as we prepared for him to leave, i had to turn away because i did not want him to see me cry. if i knew that there were some guarantee, it would not be so hard. but there's not. there never is for any of us. i have no idea what his future holds. odds here in haiti are harsh, but we do have this promise: this little boy is loved by the One who created him and brought him here to GLA where he was given a second chance at life. this little boy has the God of the universe on his side. this little guy has been loved and prayed for by so many, has beaten so many odds, and has a strong will and personality. this little guy is strong; and he's in the hands of God, the one truly safe place. that is

not to say that hard things will not come his way, because i'm sure they will. it is to say, however, that regardless of what he may face, God will be there with him through it all. it's to say that God has plans for this little boy's life. plans to prosper, not to harm him; to give him hope and a future (see Jeremiah 29:11). my prayer is that one day this little man will make the choice to accept Jesus as his personal saviour. my hope is that he will make a positive impact on his world, whether it be a tiny village, a big city, the entire country, or the planet in all its entirety! he's had a good start already!
so, after i held him one last time, kissed his cheek and said 'i love you', and after he waved to me and blew me a kiss, i watched him go through the gate in the arms of one who will provide care for him until he is reunited with his family. i know his family loves him. i and everyone here at GLA have done what God intended us to do in this little guy's life; now it's up to his family and God. i know that he will soon forget me, but i will never forget him. i am so blessed to be able to say that 'i loved him too'!
Go with God, little one! Bondye beni ou!
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