This afternoon a couple of volunteers and i went on a walk to a place that two other staff members
and i discovered yesterday. it was a place that was
kind of off the beaten path. to get there, we took a path that led through a canopy of trees, down a couple hills, past grazing cows, horses, and chickens scratching in the dirt, with terraced farmland on either side. At the bottom of the 'last' hill (i'm not sure there are ever 'last hills' in these mountains, as one could always go further) there was a half broken wall that i thought rather picturesque, and a small patch of
grass. We sat down on the patch of grass and
looked out over the valley, soaking up the sun
and the beauty, and chatting for a while. when wedecided it was time to head back home, we began
the trek back up the steep incline. at the top of
that hill, it looks like the road just drops off into
nothingness with a beautiful scene in the background, so we decided to have a little photo
shoot while walking up the hill. over the course of this shoot, one of the girls took a running leap and clicked her heals together, and thus commenced all of our attempts at the leprechaun leap :-) While practicing and taking pictures, there were some

kids watching us from a little further down the hill. i'm sure they were probably like 'wow, what crazy people!', but i continued my attempts. i finally kind of got the hang of it, and the moment was captured on camera. several minutes later, after all three of us were done, we heard some yells and laughing from the bottom of the hill. we looked over the crest, and there at the bottom, those kids were running, leaping, and trying to click their heels :-D it made me very happy! lol. Those are the kinds of things that memories are made of. :-)
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