Sunday, November 7, 2010

Hurricane Tomas

On Thursday evening we started seeing signs of Hurricane Tomas. It rained steadily through the night, and Friday morning the sky was heavy with clouds. Around 7:15 a.m. we got some heavy winds for a little bit. Some laundry that was hanging on the line outside was blown off, and debris flew through the air. On our way down to the main house we drove by a tree that had been blown down into the street and was hanging onto the hydro wire.

We had rain throughout the day, but by mid afternoon the rain had let up. Later in the evening we got heavy winds again. It was billowing around the house, and when Betty and i went out on the balcony, we could see that it was bending the trees and it would have definitely blown anything away that was loose.

Saturday was overcast, but it didn't rain much more.

All in all, Tomas spared Haiti her worst. Leogan, where the epicentre of the earthquake was, may have been the hardest hit spot in Haiti. There was extensive flooding, with thigh high water in some areas! Many have lost what little they had.

Here's the link an article that gives good information about the situation here.

Please keep Haiti in your prayers in the coming days, weeks, and months, as the people recover not only form the earthquake, but also from the hurricane!

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